Truck companies are no more different than other workplaces when it comes to employee safety and protection laws. Every truck company is bound to provide a safe vehicle for their drivers to carry out the tasks. Truck company employers should check every vehicle before it is sent on a long haul to ensure the safety of the driver and other road users.
If a truck driver is injured in an accident because of technical issues in the truck, they should file a lawsuit against the employer for compensation. Here is how to do it right.
1. Document The Accident
When you are involved in a truck accident make sure that you document the scene. Take enough pictures of the damage caused by the accident. This includes the injuries caused to you and other road users and damage done to the truck and any other vehicle involved. This documentation can be very helpful for the compensation case.
You should also look for witnesses and get their statements, write down the time and date of the accident, and any other piece of information that might seem relevant to the case.
2. Report The Accident To The Authorities
You should immediately report the accident to the concerned authorities. As a driver, you might have a team leader or a manager, make sure that you tell them immediately about the accident.
Reporting the accident to the authorities will strengthen your claim case. If you hide any evidence, it might be used against you. Therefore, make sure that you report the truth and keep your report safe to be used as evidence later on.
3. Get Medical Attention
You should get comprehensive medical attention after you have been injured. Do not rely on the medical attention provided by the emergency response unit.
Auto accidents often result in serious injuries that might not appear on the spot but they can become serious issues later on. Therefore, it is always best to get a complete checkup from a medical professional. Make sure that you keep your medical reports safe. Medical checkups can be strong evidence for your compensation claim.
4. Know Your Legal Rights
You should be aware of your legal rights when you work in a trucking company as a driver. You should be aware of the workers’ compensation laws that your company has for their employees.
Having a legal expert can help you know more about your rights. For instance, if your company operates from Spokane, WA then having a workers compensation representation spokane, wa can be a great support.
5. Hire A Lawyer
Lastly, you should know the importance of hiring a lawyer. Hiring a lawyer from the locality where your accident happened can be very helpful. For instance, if you were injured near Henderson NV, then hiring an auto accident attorney henderson nv can provide you with the legal assistance you require.
When you are hiring a lawyer, make sure that they are familiar with the workers’ compensation laws and they can fight for your compensation claim.