When you open an auto shop, you’ll need to ensure it is adequately stocked with the necessary tools and parts of vehicles. Having high-quality vehicle repair tools at your disposal will facilitate the work of your professionals. As a result, they’ll be able to do their work faster, keeping your clients happy and adding additional cars to your fleet.
It’s a good idea to list equipment before opening an auto shop.
Here, we will provide a complete list of necessary tools and important parts of vehicles like car or truck accessories, which can help you to attract more clients.
What Is an Automobile Repair Shop?
An auto repair shop is a place where expert auto mechanics and technicians repair automobiles. These mechanics are responsible for diagnosing and repairing issues in cars. These repairs may include engine repair, brake repair, and transmission repair.
Moreover, different types of auto repair shops are available in the market such as:
- Transmission repair shop: The transmissions shop just focuses on repairing vehicle transmission systems.
- Engine repair shop: it just diagnoses and repair engine faults.
A list of necessary tools for a new auto repair shop
Transmission Jack
Basic floor jacks are helpful, but occasionally, something more substantial is required. Consider getting a transmission jack if you intend to provide services where you must support big transmissions. It should be easy to think of multiple uses for a transmission jack, as it will be helpful in any situation when you need to lift something heavy.
Hydraulic Press
The hydraulic press is a cost-effective and efficient tool for crushing or bending metal. It enables faster repairs by separating rusted parts and straightening bent metal.
Air compressor
You should purchase high-quality air compressors for your new auto repair shop. These are pneumatic systems that convert power into pressurized air.
Many machines in the shop require an air compressor, so picking a robust and dependable air compressor is important. With its pressured air, it can help in clearing the dust and debris from under engine blocks.Furthermore, it’s a high-quality help in the cleaning of various mechanical components, including the area behind rotor fissures.
Jacks and Jack Stands
A car can be temporarily raised off the ground using jacks and jack stands to complete repairs. Floor jacks are a standard tool in many auto repair businesses. This is a vital buy, just like your air compressor.
These have different capacities and come in different sizes. For straightforward tasks, a 2-ton jack will do, but investing in a larger jack isn’t a bad idea.
The optimal capacity should reach 75% of the vehicle’s total weight. Typically, a driver’s side doorjamb sticker has weight ratings.
Oil drain and oil caddy
An oil caddy with the highest fluid amount is required for services like changing transmission fluid and oil. As you work with vehicles on lifts, your services expand. It can reach a raised vehicle, which will simplify and speed up the task.
Engine hoist
Engine hoists are essential equipment for every shop or garage. They will perform various tasks in your shop, including rebuilding, repairing, and replacing. Ensure the one you purchase can handle the largest engine you anticipate having to service.