The basics of Excel
Excel is an efficient tool to extract meaning from vast quantities of information. However, it also performs well for doing simple calculations and tracking virtually all kinds of data. The key to unlocking possibilities can be found in the cells. Cells can be filled with text, numbers or formulas. The data you enter into your cells and then group them into columns and rows. This allows you to mix your data to arrange and categorize it, place it into tables, and create stunning charts. Let’s walk through the fundamental steps to help you get to the right place. so best ways to learn excel from basics to advance will help you
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Create your own workbook
Excel documents are also known as workbooks. Every workbook contains sheets, commonly referred to as spreadsheets. You can add any number of sheets you like to your workbook, or create new workbooks in order to keep your data separated. best ways to learn excel from basics to advance
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Click File, then click New.
Under New, click on the Blank workbook.
New blank workbook
Enter your data
Click on a cell that is empty.
For instance cell A1 on a brand new sheet. Cells are identified by their position in the column and row on the sheet. So, cell A1 is located in the row that is in column A.
Enter text or numbers inside the cells.
Click Enter, or Tab to go to another cell.
Cell borders must be adhered to.
Choose the cell or the number of cells you wish to draw a border around.
The Home tab is where you will find within the Font group Click the arrow next Borders and then select the border style you’d like.
Excel Ribbon Image
For more details, refer to the section on how to apply or remove borders on the worksheet .
Apply shading to cells
Choose the cell or the number of cells you would like to apply shading of cells to.
The Home tab is where you will find under the Font group, select the arrow beside the Fill Color Button image, and the next time you click on Theme Colors or Standard Colors Select the color you would like to use. best ways to learn excel from basics to advance
For more details about how to format the worksheet, go to How to format the worksheet.
Make use of AutoSum to enter your data
If you’ve entered numbers on your spreadsheet, you may like to combine them. One method to do this is using AutoSum.
Select the cell that is to the left or beneath the number you wish to include.
Click Home Then choose AutoSum within the editing group.
AutoSum on the Home tab
AutoSum adds the numbers and displays the results in the cell that you chose.
For more information, visit Use AutoSum to sum numbers
Select a cell, then enter an equivalent sign (=).
It informs Excel that the cells are going to contain the formula.
For instance Enter =2+4 or =4-2; =2*4 =4/2.
Press Enter.
This is the way to calculate.
It is also possible to press Ctrl+Enter if it is desired for the cursor to remain on the cell that is active.
For more details, visit Make a simple formula.
Make use of a formatted number
To differentiate between different kinds of numbers, use the format of percentages, currency or dates.
Choose the cells with numbers you would like to format.
Click on the Home tab and then click the arrow inside the General box.
Format Number box on the Home tab
Choose a format for a number.
Number format gallery
If you can’t find the format of the number you’re searching for, click More Formats for Numbers. For more details, visit the available formats for number numbers. best ways to learn excel from basics to advance
Your data should be placed in the form of a table
An easy way to tap into Excel’s power is to arrange your data into the form of a table. This lets you quickly sort or filter your data.
Choose your data by clicking on the first cell and then dragging it until the final cell of your data.
To type Hold Shift down while you use the Arrow keys to select the data you want to access.
Select the Quick Analysis button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Selected data is displayed with Quick Analysis Lens button visible
Click Tables, then move your mouse to the Table button, to view your data, then click the Table button.
Quick Analysis Tables gallery
Select the drop-down arrow Filter an arrow on the table’s header of the column.
To filter your data, you must clear your Select All checkbox, then select the data you wish to include on your table.
Choose all box in the gallery of Sort and Filter
To sort the data, simply click the Sort button from A-Z or Z-to-A.
Sorting commands are available in the gallery of Sort and Filter
Click OK.
For more information, visit How to make or edit an Excel table.
Display the totals of your numbers by using Quick Analysis
This Quick Analysis tool (available in Excel 2016 and Excel 2013 only) allows you to total your numbers in a matter of minutes. It doesn’t matter if it’s a total number, average, or count you’re looking for, Excel shows the calculation results in front of your numbers.
Choose the cells that have numbers you wish to count or add.
Hit the Quick Analysis button Quick Analysis button located in the lower-right corner of the screen.
all of this Click Totals, then move your mouse across the buttons to view the results of your calculation for your particular data, then click for the application of totals.
Quick Analysis Gallery of Totals
Choose the information you wish to study more in depth.
Click on the Quick Analysis button button image at the bottom-right of the page.
Explore the options available on tabs Formatting as well as Sparklines tabs in order to discover how they impact your data.
Quick Analysis Formatting Gallery
As an example, select an appropriate color scale from the Formatting gallery to separate between medium and high temperatures. low temperatures.
Data that has a color scale conditional format
If you are satisfied with what you find, select that option.
Find out more about how you can study trends in data using sparklines.